my 14th February 2013
Hey people its been a long long time since the last post i have updated hmmm around 4 to 5 months ago? Nah who cares. =P. Ok, so hows everyone valentine this year?! Sweet? Romantic? :\. Well, for myself its not really fancy or romantic, no roses no chocos we didn't even celebrate it on the actual date!(14.Feb. Every year) Reason being he is busy working coz its on a weekday and lucky me,(or should i say poor me) dear crew scheduling gave me a short flight which comes back at around 1PM on the 13th of Feb(our month-sary) tag with a off the next day! Ya i know! How nice was that?! But too bad he is working;(. Oh Well what to do right. BUT at least we did have our belated 10 month-sary+Valentine! We went to the new SEA Aquarium, Sentosa. Its known for its largest viewing tank of the world( its real real big) .
And yes we spent our day watching fishes, "swim" around this large fish tank. lol
But its really crowded so if you wanna go, trust me the earlier the better.Try to check the fares online so that you are set with which type of ticket you wanna buy or else you will waste a lot of time thinking which to package to chose. For us that day we get the cheapest 29SGD just the Aquarium+ Maritime Museum Ticket. Ok its time to let the pictures do the talking. =)))
Last But not least of course the Valentine Gift!!!!! Thank to my baby boy finally i got my Polaroid Camera which i have been longing to have since ages ago! Yay!!!
Although my valentine day this year is not really fancy but i believe what important is who you spend it with. Everyday is a Valentine Day as long as you spend it with the correct person. The one for you. That is the most important thing.
That's all for now. Look forward to my next update!!! =P
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