counting down to my AL(anual leave)!

So, how's everybody new year so far? Well mine is pretty much the same. Fly off,off and fly again. Nothing special act. People were saying or rather admire how an air stewardess glamorous life buying branded, well paid, enjoying life travelling here and there, get to know people around the world and bla bla bla.But i don't think so, well at least i dont feel that way. My job may looks easy but its not at all. Trust me you don't wanna know what happen behind the curtain of the aircraft's galley(kitchen). =P I will keep whining and complain about what happen on the flight to my boy till he feels I'm abit annoying worse that Hi's grandma prolly. oops. But oh well he still listens to me thats a good thing.  ok enough about the trolley drolley. its time to talk about my AL!!!!!!!! <3
urghh i know i know i just went home like 2 months ago which is like November? But still the home sickness is always there ;( i miss mummy's cooking and of course all the yummy food in PEN!! can't wait to go back to meet my buddies and enjoy my BKK trip with my family. fingers cross* =P My weight scale stays the same *p. My AL this time is about 9 days so i will be in PEN and BKK oh MR.Seah pls don't miss me coz i will!!! heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Till here for now.=P (just back g=from KUL 4sectors grrrr tired gonna sleep) night peeps!


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