It has been a long time again! =P i have always wanted to update my blog but i am always lazy..tehee^=^..ahem ahem..back to the main story hehe..its been a while well a month at least since all of us finish our training and step on to the flying carrier.Some of us enjoy some of us did not. As for me ..(giggles) 50/50...^___________________^
Coz there is happy and unhappy moments on board, but i really wish that i just enjoy throughout my flight and complete my task perfectly.^^
i think some of us might have the same thinking right.
i got home sickTT..
well its not very bad actually but i do miss them. Before i leave HOME i don't even know that i will miss home.Till now i realize that all those thoughts that i will not miss home is wrong.I do miss them..i miss their laughter,and scolding!
and i miss my friends ..
Jen! Cal! i miss you guys badly TT
although i have friends here but u guys will b the best for me in my heart irreplaceable.
There is a lot of unhappy and happy stuff going out here on me but i am brave enough to face it already! So dun worry about me ya! Although there will be hard times, but my life here in Singapore has thought me to be brave,strong and independent.
i will not be the same old Zoey Voon anymore. ^^
i promise u guys that i will b different when the time u guys see me k!
Coz there is happy and unhappy moments on board, but i really wish that i just enjoy throughout my flight and complete my task perfectly.^^
i think some of us might have the same thinking right.
i got home sickTT..
well its not very bad actually but i do miss them. Before i leave HOME i don't even know that i will miss home.Till now i realize that all those thoughts that i will not miss home is wrong.I do miss them..i miss their laughter,and scolding!
and i miss my friends ..
Jen! Cal! i miss you guys badly TT
although i have friends here but u guys will b the best for me in my heart irreplaceable.
There is a lot of unhappy and happy stuff going out here on me but i am brave enough to face it already! So dun worry about me ya! Although there will be hard times, but my life here in Singapore has thought me to be brave,strong and independent.
i will not be the same old Zoey Voon anymore. ^^
i promise u guys that i will b different when the time u guys see me k!
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